A stone or brick retaining wall installed by the masonry contractors at Brick Water & Stone of Essex, CT can add a functional design element to any landscaping project. Our retaining walls can be designed using materials that include brick, stone, block, rock, reinforced soil, boulders and more. A retaining wall designed and constructed by Brick Water Stone provides a strong level of support and solutions for drainage or water issues to sloping land. Our professionally designed retaining walls are visually appealing and can help frame trees and shrubbery on your property. The stone or brick block materials are available in a variety textures and colors, so the possibilities for numerous styles and designs are virtually limitless. Brick Water Stone have installed retaining walls of all sizes and scope throughout the following and surrounding towns of Madison, Clinton, Old Saybrook, Old Lyme, Westbrook, New London and beyond!
Many property owners see our retaining walls as an enhancement to the landscape design on their properties. Brick Water Stone are specialists in retaining wall construction and will work closely with you to ensure your vision becomes a reality. If you’re considering installing a retaining wall or speaking with a professional about retaining wall design, the master Clinton, CT retaining wall contractors at Brick Water Stone are available to assist you.
There are numerous important considerations that go into the design and construction of retaining walls in Clinton, CT. Initially, you will have to determine the height and length of your retaining wall, and the location on your property where it will be built. It is crucial for your wall to have the correct height for its location and slope. Additionally, your wall must contain the proper level of compacted back-fill as well as an appropriate base for effective draining. You can depend on Brick Water & Stone for a durable retaining wall installation, that is built within your specifications, allowing it to withstand the test of time. If you are seeking Commercial Janitorial & Covid-19 Sanitizing Services in San Diego, CA we recommend Allstar Commercial Cleaning.
Hiring the professional retaining wall installers at Brick Water Stone. for Retention And Retaining Walls and Landscaping Projects in Clinton, CT will ensure that you receive not only a beautiful wall that will enhance your property, but a functional element that will provide the necessary drainage and protection for your landscape. If you are seeking Clinton, CT Retaining Wall Contractors Near Me, we can ensure you have structurally sound retaining walls that can withstand harsh Connecticut weather elements and maximum soil pressure. Contact us today at (860) 510-6571 to schedule a no-cost estimate and consultation!